Fuze Post Purchase Upsell | Post-purchase Funnels - General Information on Products, Surveys, and Everything in Between!
The Post-purchase funnels tab shows the first funnel that was created during the onboarding process.
In case you skipped activating the app on Step 1 of the Onboarding, you could update the app's state on the Post-purchase funnels tab content as follows
Click the Instructions button.
When the modal opens (it also contains a quick overview of the actions needed to enable the app), click the Open Checkout settings.
When the Checkout and accounts page loads in a separate browser tab, navigate to the Post-purchase page section.
Select the Fuze Post Purchase Upsell app, save the changes and close the tab.
Click the Check now/Verify Installation button et voilà! The Fuze app is activated and ready to help you increase your revenue.
An important note here is that if the app is not enabled from Settings, the functionality of the app will not be active regardless of the status of the funnels.
By clicking the Add funnel button, we can create a new funnel. Here again, the funnel's name is visible only to the merchant. Adding the new funnel opens the Create page, where we have the additional option to change the funnel's name if needed.
Again we can change the language of the Post-purchase page in the Global Language Selector section that allows you to select the language in which the Post-purchase page will be translated when Fuze does not support the checkout's language. It is important to note that this language change applies to all funnels created. Once you select a language that is supported by Fuze (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Bulgarian, Romanian, and more), the Preview displays how the Post-purchase page will be displayed. The objective here is the following: when the language on the Checkout page is not supported by Fuze, the app will display the fallback language (which is set up). Otherwise, the Checkout and Post-purchase pages will be automatically translated into the store's language.
We also have the already well-known options for funnels with conditions Always and Rules, which can be set as desired by the merchant with the corresponding first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products.
Always - by default, the funnel is always set to be displayed when set, regardless of the user's order, which in turn can be considered a plus for both parties. The closed circle already mentioned - more consumption by the consumer and more sales by the merchant.
Rules - by selecting Rules instead of Always, the merchant can set certain conditions under which the specific funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. Let's look at them one by one. An important clarification here is that all of the specified criteria must be met by the user for the corresponding funnel to be displayed, with a mandatory minimum of at least one of them being set.
If the Enable product trigger option is enabled, the merchant can select a specific product(s) from the product list, which, if purchased by the user, will trigger the funnel, and the upsell product set by the merchant will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. Quick clarification - if only this option is enabled and the user purchases the product(s), the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
If the Enable cart value trigger option is enabled, the merchant can choose at what value of the user's order the funnel will be triggered. The options are more than, less than, and equal to, and then the merchant specifies the desired amount. If this option is added to Enable product trigger, it means that the funnel will be activated only when both conditions are met. In case the active option is only Enable cart value trigger, the funnel will be active on the Post-purchase page when the amount set by the merchant is reached by the user.
If the Enable quantity trigger option is enabled, the merchant has the option to select the quantity of products (more than, less than, equal to) purchased by the user which will trigger the funnel. If this option is added to Enable product trigger and/or Enable cart value trigger, it means that the funnel will be triggered if the user meets all selected conditions. And if only Enable quantity trigger is the active condition, when the user reaches the specified quantity, the funnel will also be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Again, a quick clarification - one of the Rules funnel options must be set to create the funnel. As it became clear, combinations of two or three active options are also possible with the clarification that the funnel will be active on the Post-purchase page only when the user meets all conditions. The following situation can be used as an example: active Enable product trigger conditions with the product, for example, red dress, and active Enable cart value trigger more than $100. If the user orders the red dress, but the amount in the cart is less than $100, the funnel will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page because only one of the conditions is met by the user. This way, the merchant can set offers to be displayed on the Post-purchase page only under certain conditions.
When the Rules option is selected for the funnel that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page, an additional option is also available - Show funnel to. The merchant can choose to whom the funnel created on the Onboarding will be displayed. There are three available options in the Triggers section as follows:
All: The All option is set by default. This means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page to all users, regardless of their emails set for the order(s), when the conditions of the Rules funnel are met.
New customers: When the New customers option is selected in the Triggers section, this means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page only to the new customers according their email set for the order(s). In addition, if the user uses their email and meets the conditions for the Rules funnel, the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. And if the user completes another order using the same email and the conditions for the Rules funnel are met again, the funnel will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page because the trigger to show the funnel is set only to the new customers.
Existing customers: When the Existing customers option is selected in the Trigger section, this means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page only to the existing customers according to their emails set for the order. For example, if the user meets the conditions for the Rules funnel with their email email@email.com for the first time, the Post-purchase page will be skipped. And if the user meets the conditions for the Rules funnel again using the same email, the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. This is because the trigger to show the funnel is set to the existing customers only. The funnel will also be displayed on the Post-purchase page for all users according to their email who have already completed orders from your store.
In addition, there is another option related to the funnels - both Always and Rules - Show this funnel to clients only once. By default, this option is disabled, which means that the funnel will be displayed to clients on the Post-purchase page every time when the conditions for the funnel are met, regardless of the email used to complete the order. If you enable the option, the funnel will be displayed to the client on the Post-purchase page only once when the conditions for the funnel are met. After that, if the same email is used to complete another order that meets the funnel conditions, the funnel will no longer be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Clicking the Add an upsell step button opens a modal where you can configure the upsell offers as follows:
The Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section provides two option to select your upsell offers. Let's review them in detail.
The default option is Manual. The options provides the opportunity to manually select the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the created funnel on the Onboarding are met.
The Select Upsell product section gives the possibility to select the first and mandatory upsell product, which will also be the first one displayed on the Post-purchase page from the set Always or Rules funnel. A discount can be added to it. It is available in the Preview section, which allows you to see in real-time what the Post-purchase page will look like. In addition, if a second upsell product is added, it will be displayed if the first upsell product is ordered. In case the first upsell product is rejected, a downsell product will be displayed if there is such a product added. Initially, when the app is installed, one of the store's products is automatically set as an upsell product based on the store's statistics. Of course, in case of need, the product can be replaced by another from the list of products. Along with the option to update the discount, there is an additional option to set the minimum and maximum quantity of the product. This can limit the number of products that can be purchased on the Post-purchase page when the funnel is displayed. If the user enters less or more than the number set by the merchant, a warning message containing the limit will be displayed to the client on the Post-purchase page.
The merchant can add a second upsell product again with a discount and minimum/maximum quantity of the product if needed. If the first upsell product on the Post-purchase page is purchased, the second upsell product will be displayed immediately after it, giving the user the option to purchase it as well. Selecting a second upsell is optional which means that if it’s not added and the first upsell product is accepted on the Post-purchase page, the user will be redirected to the Thank you page.
A downsell product can also be added, also with a discount and minimum/maximum quantity of the product if needed, which will be displayed if the first upsell product on the Post-purchase page is not accepted. Second upsell and downsell products are optional, which means that the merchant can choose only the first upsell product.
The Always and Rules funnels offer A/B test functionality that allows you to select two products to track. You can use the functionality for the first upsell, second upsell, and/or downsell products or a combination of them. Of course, you can again add discounts and minimum and maximum quantity of the products that can be purchased on the Post-purchase page. The goal of the A/B test functionality is to track how many times the products are displayed on the Post-purchase page, the conversion rate, and the revenue gathered for each A/B test product. This provides valuable, up-to-date information about which product is more popular with your users and sells better.
Important: You can customize the A/B test by clicking the Settings button next to each section and choosing how the winner will be selected. Two options are available for selecting the winner product:
Automatically - selecting the option means that the A/B test product will be automatically selected as a winner based on a higher conversion rate when the threshold is reached. The default threshold is set to 100, but you can always edit it to suit your needs. Also, you can select the winner manually by clicking the Select winner button and confirming your choice – this will disable the A/B test functionality, and only the selected as a winner product will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Manually – selecting this option means that the A/B test products will be again sequentially displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the funnel are met. The additional information about the impressions, conversion rate, and revenue for each A/B test product is again available, and you can manually select the winner whenever you want by clicking the Select winner button and confirming your choice – the selected product will be displayed as the upsell product every time when the funnel is displayed on the Post-purchase page.
The Product description section offers you the option to choose if the product description will be displayed on the Post-purchase page or not. By default, the option is enabled. This means that the product description will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. If you disable the product description, a button Read more will be displayed instead of the description (this again can be seen in the Preview section). The product description can be easily displayed again on the Post-purchase page when the user clicks the Read more button.
The Offer description (translated according to the fallback language and displayed on the Post-purchase page if Fuze does not support the checkout's language) and Timer settings sections are also available. The Preview, of course, shows the changes in a real-time.
The second option to select the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products is to automatically select the products. This can be achieved by selecting On instead of Manual in the Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section. The products are automatically selected according to the statistics from the store orders for the last 60 days. The best-selling product for that period will be used as the main upsell product, the second best-selling product will be displayed as the second upsell product, and the third best-selling product will be the downsell product and its price will always be lower than the price of the main upsell product. A percentage discount can be set in the Limit discount section and applied to the main upsell, second upsell and downsell products that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Note: Please, keep in mind that once the general option to select the products manually is selected and the funnel is saved, it can't be switched to automatically and vice versa.
Once the products in the Add an upsell step modal are set and the changes are saved, the Upsell step is displayed in the Steps of the funnel section. The step can be edited by clicking the Edit button.
Clicking the Add a survey step button opens the Add a survey step modal. Surveys are crucial aspects of creating a funnel for a merchant's online business. The modal provides the possibility for the merchant to add a survey to the funnel, thus, allowing them to gather valuable feedback from their customers. The survey feature comes equipped with various question types such as single-choice, multiple-choice, open-ended, and other.
The question type selection allows the merchant to manually create and customize the questions and their corresponding answers. This feature gives the merchant the ability to tailor the questions to their specific needs, making it easier to gather the information they require.
The Preview section offers the merchant a real-time view of the changes made to the survey. This feature is useful for ensuring that the questions and answers are accurately set up and will produce the desired results. By utilizing this feature, the merchant can save time and reduce the chances of errors during the survey creation process.
Let's take a closer look into the Add a survey step modal.
The Select Template Survey section provides the option to select a template for the survey. You can use ready-made templates to add to your funnel. You can also edit them according to your needs.
The Type of question section allows to select the question and answer type as follows:
Single - The Single type of question allows customers to select only one answer.
Multiple - The Multiple type of question allows customers to select multiple answers.
Open ended - The Open ended type of question allows customers to provide an answer in text form.
Other - The Other type of question combines the functionality of Single and Open ended type of question - the customers can select a single answer or add their answer in text form.
After selecting the type of question, the Question's title section provides the option to manually add the question and the available answers to that question.
Keep in mind that you can add only up to 5 questions to a funnel. The option to reorder the Product and Survey steps is also available by dragging the selected step - the selected order will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the funnel are met.
Each step contains statistics about the number of answers, impressions of the Product and Survey steps, and how many times the product from the Product step is purchased. By clicking the Eye icon of the Survey step you can quickly see the survey results in the View survey results modal.
For your convenience, the survey data can be easily downloaded as a CSV file, making it easy to analyze and interpret the results. This data-driven approach enables you to make more informed business decisions based on real-world feedback, rather than guesswork or assumptions. By continually refining and improving your offers based on the insights gathered through surveys, you can optimize your funnels and drive even better results. You can easily edit or delete the survey and the change will be applied in the CSV file the next time when downloaded.
Returning to the main content of the Post-purchase funnels tab, we have the option to edit the funnels by clicking on the Edit button, which opens the Edit page from where the funnel already created can be edited if needed. Also, the funnel can be deleted by clicking the Delete button, which means that it will no longer be available in the list of funnels and on the Post-purchase page.
You can easily follow the detailed statistics of how your Post-purchase steps are shown and accepted. By clicking the Statistics button, you can see the flow of the Post-purchase page. Each product added to the selected funnel contains the number of impressions, the revenue, and the conversion (the percentage shows the number of times the product has been accepted compared to the number of impressions). Using the date picker, you can quickly check the statistics for a certain period or a single date. This way, you can have accurate information about your products displayed on the Post-purchase when the funnel is activated.

If you want to create a funnel with a few different triggers, products, discounts, or timer settings, you can easily do it by clicking the Duplicate funnel button and save time.

By confirming the action, you will be redirected to the Edit page, where you can quickly change the desired options related to the funnel, and when the funnel is saved, it’s already active and ready to increase your revenue.
If the funnel's name is not manually changed on the Edit page, it will be displayed as a copy.

An important note here is that only the funnels with triggers Always and Rules can be duplicated. The funnels with automatically selected products (Add an upsell step modal > Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section > On) cannot be duplicated.
Each funnel can be enabled, which means that it will be shown on the Post-purchase page if the conditions match, and disabled, which means that it will not be shown on the Post-purchase page even if there is a match. This is possible thanks to the On and Off buttons in the Active section.
There is also additional information about the number of impressions of the funnel, how many times an offer from it has been accepted, how much revenue it has accumulated, and the creation date. It is important to note that if there are two funnels with identical conditions, the one that has accumulated more revenue will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when matching. Also, if there is an active Always funnel, it will be displayed on the Post-purchase page in any case in which the user does not meet the conditions for Rules funnels in his order, which in turn means that regardless of the user's order, the option to display the funnel will always be active.
On the other hand, the Enable post-purchase funnels on your store section allows all funnels to be disabled in general, which means that even if the funnels' statuses are active, they will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page when there is a match on order placed by the user. Conversely, if they are enabled, they will be displayed when there is a match.
Latest Feature Enhancements:
During the loading phase of the Post-purchase page, an activity indicator or spinner is now presented to make the user aware that a process is currently underway.
After the Post-purchase page has loaded and the user makes a decision (acceptance or decline) regarding the product(s) being presented (first upsell, second upsell, downsell), the Call To Action (CTA) buttons incorporate a spinner to signify the processing of the user's action.
When a survey appears on the Post-purchase page, the spinner becomes visible once the user either submits or bypasses the question. This indication serves to inform the user that the operation is still in progress.
To bolster customer confidence, social proof elements like star reviews are now displayed on the post-purchase page.
We have made discounted product prices more accessible. Now, they are presented on both the Post-purchase page and the Order Confirmation page.
For ease of identification, orders that generate post-purchase revenue via Fuze are now distinctly tagged.
The product description on the Post-purchase page can now be removed, minimizing potential distractions for customers. The option to toggle the product description is provided in the 'Add/Update upsell step' modal. More details include:
During funnel creation, the product description display is enabled by default. It is presented in the Preview sections and the Post-purchase page as the funnel loads.
With the product description disabled, it is concealed in the Preview sections and the Post-purchase page during the funnel loading phase. Yet, the description can be revealed by clicking the 'Read more' button and hidden again using the 'Hide' button.
If a product lacks a description, no description (or corresponding buttons) appear in the Preview sections or the Post-purchase page when the funnel loads.
Regardless of the product's presence, the product description status (enabled or disabled) properly reflects on the Post-purchase page.
When the product description is hidden, a 'Learn more/Read more' button is shown, which reveals the description upon click.
Once the product description is expanded, a 'Hide' button appears to allow the customer to collapse the description, reinstating the 'Learn more/Read more' button.
In the absence of a product description, neither the 'Learn more/Read more' nor 'Hide' buttons are displayed.
Merchants are now empowered to showcase the percentage discount for each product on the Post-purchase page, ensuring customers are well-informed about potential savings. The following conditions apply:
If a discount is applied to any upsell or downsell products, the original price is struck through on the Post-purchase page. Additionally, the discounted price and the percentage discount are also presented.
If no discount is applied, only the actual price of the products is displayed.
Merchants now have extensive control over the aesthetic aspects of the Post-purchase page. This includes the ability to edit the font, color, background, and buttons. These changes are saved by the back-end (BE) and sent to the front-end (FE) for display in the Preview section and on the Post-purchase page as per the funnel conditions.
In order to facilitate transparent and effective promotions, merchants can now display a product's specific percentage discount on the Post-purchase page. This discount is displayed in addition to the original and discounted prices for any discounted first upsell, second upsell, or downsell products. For non-discounted products, only the actual price is displayed.
Merchants now have the capability to design A/B split tests for their upsell steps. This feature, which is disabled by default, applies to the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products. Only one product can be selected and displayed on the Post-purchase page based on the funnel conditions.
For improved tracking, merchants can now monitor the conversion rate directly from the Post-purchase funnels tab content/Funnels list, where the "Accepted" column has been renamed to "Conversion rate". The column will display the accurate conversion rate for each funnel, including those already created, based on the current data.
Enhanced Discount Calculation: We've expanded our discount calculation feature. Now, it calculates percentage discounts for all products, with the upsell product discount based on the product's "compare at price" set in the Shopify admin panel. As a merchant, you will be able to see:
The final price the customer will pay
The compare-at price value set in the Shopify admin panel
The catalog price of the product
Catalog price discount amount and percentage
The percentage discount of the product in relation to compare-at price, visible to users in the post-purchase offer
Customizable Funnel Titles and Descriptions: To ensure you have unique and appealing funnels, each funnel can now have its own title and description.
Language Localization: The "Pay Now" button can now be translated, enhancing localization and accessibility for non-English speaking customers.
Native Currency Display: The currency displayed in the upsell step will align with the store's native currency, providing a consistent shopping experience for your customers.
We've introduced statistics for custom date ranges, enabling you to gain insights over specific periods.
Top Performing Funnels: Merchants can now identify the top-performing funnels and make necessary adjustments based on those insights, optimizing your sales strategy.
Improved Funnel Visualization: Merchants now have the flexibility to switch between "Steps view" and "Graph view" on the 'Edit a funnel' page, allowing a more intuitive visualization of your sales funnels.
Product Reviews and Ratings: Customers now have an option to rate and add reviews to upsell products, enhancing your product's credibility and customer engagement.
These features are designed to elevate your selling experience. As always, we are committed to enhancing your business through continuous improvements and updates to our product. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!
Survey Enhancements:
Survey Representation in Graph View: Merchants can now observe the survey step visually in the graph view. This provides a clear overview of the survey placement within the sales funnel. Here are some updates related to this feature:
The Statistics section accurately presents the question title, number of impressions, and quantity of answers for each survey question, corresponding to the selected time period. This functionality mirrors the behavior for upsell products. When the entire funnel duration is selected, there should be no discrepancies in the question title, impressions, or answer count.
When a question is edited, the updated version is promptly reflected in the Statistics section.
Upon deleting a question, the respective Survey step disappears from the Statistics section.
Any new question added to the funnel appears correctly in the Statistics section, following the order designated in the Steps of the Funnel section.
When a funnel is constructed with the Product step as the first step and the Survey step as the second, the Statistics section correctly mirrors the set order, along with displaying impressions, revenue, and conversions according to the selected period for both products and survey.
The Statistics section correctly represents the funnel order when the Survey step is placed first, followed by the Product step, along with the corresponding impressions, revenue, and conversions for the selected period.
In a funnel with a Product step and multiple surveys, the Steps of the Funnel sequence is accurately reflected in the Statistics section, complete with impressions, revenue, and conversions for the chosen period.
If only the Product step is included in the funnel, the Statistics section showcases only the selected products, along with impressions, revenue, and conversions for the chosen period.
When only the Survey step(s) are added to the funnel, the Statistics section displays the surveys along with impressions and answer counts for the selected period.
Question Deletion and Limit: Merchants have been granted the ability to delete questions from the funnel. The following changes are pertinent to this feature:
When a question is included in the funnel, it's appropriately presented on the Post-purchase page, following the funnel's conditions upon load.
Merchants can incorporate up to 5 questions within a single funnel.
When less than 5 questions are added, the 'Add an Upsell' button remains active.
When the question count reaches the maximum limit of 5, the 'Add an Upsell' button becomes inactive.
If a question is removed when 5 are present, the 'Add an Upsell' button is reactivated, allowing the merchant to add another question.
When a question is deleted, it is promptly removed from the Steps of the Funnel list and will no longer appear on the Post-purchase page as per the funnel conditions.
Upon deletion of a question, its results are also removed from the downloadable CSV file.
Funnel Display Control: The section previously titled "Ask a Client Multiple Times" has been renamed to "Show this Funnel to Clients Only Once". This adjustment enhances the understanding of the feature:
The default state for this option is OFF.
When the state is OFF, the funnel continuously appears on the Post-purchase page whenever accessed.
Turning the state ON restricts the funnel to be displayed only once to each client, according to the client's email.
Latest Updates on A/B Testing:
Enhancements to Product Step in A/B Testing: We have now introduced a crucial update to ensure the clarity of A/B test activation for merchants.
The Product step will now include the titles of both products separated by a slash ("/").
The product that was initially selected as the main upsell product will be displayed first, followed by a slash, and then the title of the second product involved in the A/B testing of the main upsell product.
Previously, when the A/B test was enabled, the Preview sections would indicate this, but the Product step only displayed the title of the second selected product for the A/B test.
Now, our update ensures that both product titles appear in the Product step, reinforcing the understanding that the A/B test is active. The pattern for displaying the Product step is as follows: Product A / Product B, where Product A is the product displayed in the Preview section and the first product selected for the A/B test.
Creating A/B Split Tests on Upsell Steps: Merchants now have the option to create A/B split tests on upsell steps, enhancing the versatility and robustness of our testing tools. Key features of this new functionality include:
A button for adding an A/B split test on each of the products, which creates an empty product with the same layout.
An equitable 50/50 split based on views.
The winning product can be selected either manually or automatically based on views, with an editable threshold of 5000.
Conversion rate and views will be shown for each product.
In case you skipped activating the app on Step 1 of the Onboarding, you could update the app's state on the Post-purchase funnels tab content as follows
Click the Instructions button.
When the modal opens (it also contains a quick overview of the actions needed to enable the app), click the Open Checkout settings.
When the Checkout and accounts page loads in a separate browser tab, navigate to the Post-purchase page section.
Select the Fuze Post Purchase Upsell app, save the changes and close the tab.
Click the Check now/Verify Installation button et voilà! The Fuze app is activated and ready to help you increase your revenue.
An important note here is that if the app is not enabled from Settings, the functionality of the app will not be active regardless of the status of the funnels.
By clicking the Add funnel button, we can create a new funnel. Here again, the funnel's name is visible only to the merchant. Adding the new funnel opens the Create page, where we have the additional option to change the funnel's name if needed.
Again we can change the language of the Post-purchase page in the Global Language Selector section that allows you to select the language in which the Post-purchase page will be translated when Fuze does not support the checkout's language. It is important to note that this language change applies to all funnels created. Once you select a language that is supported by Fuze (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Bulgarian, Romanian, and more), the Preview displays how the Post-purchase page will be displayed. The objective here is the following: when the language on the Checkout page is not supported by Fuze, the app will display the fallback language (which is set up). Otherwise, the Checkout and Post-purchase pages will be automatically translated into the store's language.
We also have the already well-known options for funnels with conditions Always and Rules, which can be set as desired by the merchant with the corresponding first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products.
Always - by default, the funnel is always set to be displayed when set, regardless of the user's order, which in turn can be considered a plus for both parties. The closed circle already mentioned - more consumption by the consumer and more sales by the merchant.
Rules - by selecting Rules instead of Always, the merchant can set certain conditions under which the specific funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. Let's look at them one by one. An important clarification here is that all of the specified criteria must be met by the user for the corresponding funnel to be displayed, with a mandatory minimum of at least one of them being set.
If the Enable product trigger option is enabled, the merchant can select a specific product(s) from the product list, which, if purchased by the user, will trigger the funnel, and the upsell product set by the merchant will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. Quick clarification - if only this option is enabled and the user purchases the product(s), the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
If the Enable cart value trigger option is enabled, the merchant can choose at what value of the user's order the funnel will be triggered. The options are more than, less than, and equal to, and then the merchant specifies the desired amount. If this option is added to Enable product trigger, it means that the funnel will be activated only when both conditions are met. In case the active option is only Enable cart value trigger, the funnel will be active on the Post-purchase page when the amount set by the merchant is reached by the user.
If the Enable quantity trigger option is enabled, the merchant has the option to select the quantity of products (more than, less than, equal to) purchased by the user which will trigger the funnel. If this option is added to Enable product trigger and/or Enable cart value trigger, it means that the funnel will be triggered if the user meets all selected conditions. And if only Enable quantity trigger is the active condition, when the user reaches the specified quantity, the funnel will also be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Again, a quick clarification - one of the Rules funnel options must be set to create the funnel. As it became clear, combinations of two or three active options are also possible with the clarification that the funnel will be active on the Post-purchase page only when the user meets all conditions. The following situation can be used as an example: active Enable product trigger conditions with the product, for example, red dress, and active Enable cart value trigger more than $100. If the user orders the red dress, but the amount in the cart is less than $100, the funnel will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page because only one of the conditions is met by the user. This way, the merchant can set offers to be displayed on the Post-purchase page only under certain conditions.
When the Rules option is selected for the funnel that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page, an additional option is also available - Show funnel to. The merchant can choose to whom the funnel created on the Onboarding will be displayed. There are three available options in the Triggers section as follows:
All: The All option is set by default. This means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page to all users, regardless of their emails set for the order(s), when the conditions of the Rules funnel are met.
New customers: When the New customers option is selected in the Triggers section, this means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page only to the new customers according their email set for the order(s). In addition, if the user uses their email and meets the conditions for the Rules funnel, the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. And if the user completes another order using the same email and the conditions for the Rules funnel are met again, the funnel will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page because the trigger to show the funnel is set only to the new customers.
Existing customers: When the Existing customers option is selected in the Trigger section, this means that the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page only to the existing customers according to their emails set for the order. For example, if the user meets the conditions for the Rules funnel with their email email@email.com for the first time, the Post-purchase page will be skipped. And if the user meets the conditions for the Rules funnel again using the same email, the funnel will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. This is because the trigger to show the funnel is set to the existing customers only. The funnel will also be displayed on the Post-purchase page for all users according to their email who have already completed orders from your store.
In addition, there is another option related to the funnels - both Always and Rules - Show this funnel to clients only once. By default, this option is disabled, which means that the funnel will be displayed to clients on the Post-purchase page every time when the conditions for the funnel are met, regardless of the email used to complete the order. If you enable the option, the funnel will be displayed to the client on the Post-purchase page only once when the conditions for the funnel are met. After that, if the same email is used to complete another order that meets the funnel conditions, the funnel will no longer be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Clicking the Add an upsell step button opens a modal where you can configure the upsell offers as follows:
The Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section provides two option to select your upsell offers. Let's review them in detail.
The default option is Manual. The options provides the opportunity to manually select the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the created funnel on the Onboarding are met.
The Select Upsell product section gives the possibility to select the first and mandatory upsell product, which will also be the first one displayed on the Post-purchase page from the set Always or Rules funnel. A discount can be added to it. It is available in the Preview section, which allows you to see in real-time what the Post-purchase page will look like. In addition, if a second upsell product is added, it will be displayed if the first upsell product is ordered. In case the first upsell product is rejected, a downsell product will be displayed if there is such a product added. Initially, when the app is installed, one of the store's products is automatically set as an upsell product based on the store's statistics. Of course, in case of need, the product can be replaced by another from the list of products. Along with the option to update the discount, there is an additional option to set the minimum and maximum quantity of the product. This can limit the number of products that can be purchased on the Post-purchase page when the funnel is displayed. If the user enters less or more than the number set by the merchant, a warning message containing the limit will be displayed to the client on the Post-purchase page.
The merchant can add a second upsell product again with a discount and minimum/maximum quantity of the product if needed. If the first upsell product on the Post-purchase page is purchased, the second upsell product will be displayed immediately after it, giving the user the option to purchase it as well. Selecting a second upsell is optional which means that if it’s not added and the first upsell product is accepted on the Post-purchase page, the user will be redirected to the Thank you page.
A downsell product can also be added, also with a discount and minimum/maximum quantity of the product if needed, which will be displayed if the first upsell product on the Post-purchase page is not accepted. Second upsell and downsell products are optional, which means that the merchant can choose only the first upsell product.
The Always and Rules funnels offer A/B test functionality that allows you to select two products to track. You can use the functionality for the first upsell, second upsell, and/or downsell products or a combination of them. Of course, you can again add discounts and minimum and maximum quantity of the products that can be purchased on the Post-purchase page. The goal of the A/B test functionality is to track how many times the products are displayed on the Post-purchase page, the conversion rate, and the revenue gathered for each A/B test product. This provides valuable, up-to-date information about which product is more popular with your users and sells better.
Important: You can customize the A/B test by clicking the Settings button next to each section and choosing how the winner will be selected. Two options are available for selecting the winner product:
Automatically - selecting the option means that the A/B test product will be automatically selected as a winner based on a higher conversion rate when the threshold is reached. The default threshold is set to 100, but you can always edit it to suit your needs. Also, you can select the winner manually by clicking the Select winner button and confirming your choice – this will disable the A/B test functionality, and only the selected as a winner product will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Manually – selecting this option means that the A/B test products will be again sequentially displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the funnel are met. The additional information about the impressions, conversion rate, and revenue for each A/B test product is again available, and you can manually select the winner whenever you want by clicking the Select winner button and confirming your choice – the selected product will be displayed as the upsell product every time when the funnel is displayed on the Post-purchase page.
The Product description section offers you the option to choose if the product description will be displayed on the Post-purchase page or not. By default, the option is enabled. This means that the product description will be displayed on the Post-purchase page. If you disable the product description, a button Read more will be displayed instead of the description (this again can be seen in the Preview section). The product description can be easily displayed again on the Post-purchase page when the user clicks the Read more button.
The Offer description (translated according to the fallback language and displayed on the Post-purchase page if Fuze does not support the checkout's language) and Timer settings sections are also available. The Preview, of course, shows the changes in a real-time.
The second option to select the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products is to automatically select the products. This can be achieved by selecting On instead of Manual in the Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section. The products are automatically selected according to the statistics from the store orders for the last 60 days. The best-selling product for that period will be used as the main upsell product, the second best-selling product will be displayed as the second upsell product, and the third best-selling product will be the downsell product and its price will always be lower than the price of the main upsell product. A percentage discount can be set in the Limit discount section and applied to the main upsell, second upsell and downsell products that will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
Note: Please, keep in mind that once the general option to select the products manually is selected and the funnel is saved, it can't be switched to automatically and vice versa.
Once the products in the Add an upsell step modal are set and the changes are saved, the Upsell step is displayed in the Steps of the funnel section. The step can be edited by clicking the Edit button.
Clicking the Add a survey step button opens the Add a survey step modal. Surveys are crucial aspects of creating a funnel for a merchant's online business. The modal provides the possibility for the merchant to add a survey to the funnel, thus, allowing them to gather valuable feedback from their customers. The survey feature comes equipped with various question types such as single-choice, multiple-choice, open-ended, and other.
The question type selection allows the merchant to manually create and customize the questions and their corresponding answers. This feature gives the merchant the ability to tailor the questions to their specific needs, making it easier to gather the information they require.
The Preview section offers the merchant a real-time view of the changes made to the survey. This feature is useful for ensuring that the questions and answers are accurately set up and will produce the desired results. By utilizing this feature, the merchant can save time and reduce the chances of errors during the survey creation process.
Let's take a closer look into the Add a survey step modal.
The Select Template Survey section provides the option to select a template for the survey. You can use ready-made templates to add to your funnel. You can also edit them according to your needs.
The Type of question section allows to select the question and answer type as follows:
Single - The Single type of question allows customers to select only one answer.
Multiple - The Multiple type of question allows customers to select multiple answers.
Open ended - The Open ended type of question allows customers to provide an answer in text form.
Other - The Other type of question combines the functionality of Single and Open ended type of question - the customers can select a single answer or add their answer in text form.
After selecting the type of question, the Question's title section provides the option to manually add the question and the available answers to that question.
Keep in mind that you can add only up to 5 questions to a funnel. The option to reorder the Product and Survey steps is also available by dragging the selected step - the selected order will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when the conditions of the funnel are met.
Each step contains statistics about the number of answers, impressions of the Product and Survey steps, and how many times the product from the Product step is purchased. By clicking the Eye icon of the Survey step you can quickly see the survey results in the View survey results modal.
For your convenience, the survey data can be easily downloaded as a CSV file, making it easy to analyze and interpret the results. This data-driven approach enables you to make more informed business decisions based on real-world feedback, rather than guesswork or assumptions. By continually refining and improving your offers based on the insights gathered through surveys, you can optimize your funnels and drive even better results. You can easily edit or delete the survey and the change will be applied in the CSV file the next time when downloaded.
Returning to the main content of the Post-purchase funnels tab, we have the option to edit the funnels by clicking on the Edit button, which opens the Edit page from where the funnel already created can be edited if needed. Also, the funnel can be deleted by clicking the Delete button, which means that it will no longer be available in the list of funnels and on the Post-purchase page.
You can easily follow the detailed statistics of how your Post-purchase steps are shown and accepted. By clicking the Statistics button, you can see the flow of the Post-purchase page. Each product added to the selected funnel contains the number of impressions, the revenue, and the conversion (the percentage shows the number of times the product has been accepted compared to the number of impressions). Using the date picker, you can quickly check the statistics for a certain period or a single date. This way, you can have accurate information about your products displayed on the Post-purchase when the funnel is activated.

If you want to create a funnel with a few different triggers, products, discounts, or timer settings, you can easily do it by clicking the Duplicate funnel button and save time.

By confirming the action, you will be redirected to the Edit page, where you can quickly change the desired options related to the funnel, and when the funnel is saved, it’s already active and ready to increase your revenue.
If the funnel's name is not manually changed on the Edit page, it will be displayed as a copy.

An important note here is that only the funnels with triggers Always and Rules can be duplicated. The funnels with automatically selected products (Add an upsell step modal > Automagically✨ create my upsell funnel section > On) cannot be duplicated.
Each funnel can be enabled, which means that it will be shown on the Post-purchase page if the conditions match, and disabled, which means that it will not be shown on the Post-purchase page even if there is a match. This is possible thanks to the On and Off buttons in the Active section.
There is also additional information about the number of impressions of the funnel, how many times an offer from it has been accepted, how much revenue it has accumulated, and the creation date. It is important to note that if there are two funnels with identical conditions, the one that has accumulated more revenue will be displayed on the Post-purchase page when matching. Also, if there is an active Always funnel, it will be displayed on the Post-purchase page in any case in which the user does not meet the conditions for Rules funnels in his order, which in turn means that regardless of the user's order, the option to display the funnel will always be active.
On the other hand, the Enable post-purchase funnels on your store section allows all funnels to be disabled in general, which means that even if the funnels' statuses are active, they will not be displayed on the Post-purchase page when there is a match on order placed by the user. Conversely, if they are enabled, they will be displayed when there is a match.
Latest Feature Enhancements:
During the loading phase of the Post-purchase page, an activity indicator or spinner is now presented to make the user aware that a process is currently underway.
After the Post-purchase page has loaded and the user makes a decision (acceptance or decline) regarding the product(s) being presented (first upsell, second upsell, downsell), the Call To Action (CTA) buttons incorporate a spinner to signify the processing of the user's action.
When a survey appears on the Post-purchase page, the spinner becomes visible once the user either submits or bypasses the question. This indication serves to inform the user that the operation is still in progress.
To bolster customer confidence, social proof elements like star reviews are now displayed on the post-purchase page.
We have made discounted product prices more accessible. Now, they are presented on both the Post-purchase page and the Order Confirmation page.
For ease of identification, orders that generate post-purchase revenue via Fuze are now distinctly tagged.
The product description on the Post-purchase page can now be removed, minimizing potential distractions for customers. The option to toggle the product description is provided in the 'Add/Update upsell step' modal. More details include:
During funnel creation, the product description display is enabled by default. It is presented in the Preview sections and the Post-purchase page as the funnel loads.
With the product description disabled, it is concealed in the Preview sections and the Post-purchase page during the funnel loading phase. Yet, the description can be revealed by clicking the 'Read more' button and hidden again using the 'Hide' button.
If a product lacks a description, no description (or corresponding buttons) appear in the Preview sections or the Post-purchase page when the funnel loads.
Regardless of the product's presence, the product description status (enabled or disabled) properly reflects on the Post-purchase page.
When the product description is hidden, a 'Learn more/Read more' button is shown, which reveals the description upon click.
Once the product description is expanded, a 'Hide' button appears to allow the customer to collapse the description, reinstating the 'Learn more/Read more' button.
In the absence of a product description, neither the 'Learn more/Read more' nor 'Hide' buttons are displayed.
Merchants are now empowered to showcase the percentage discount for each product on the Post-purchase page, ensuring customers are well-informed about potential savings. The following conditions apply:
If a discount is applied to any upsell or downsell products, the original price is struck through on the Post-purchase page. Additionally, the discounted price and the percentage discount are also presented.
If no discount is applied, only the actual price of the products is displayed.
Merchants now have extensive control over the aesthetic aspects of the Post-purchase page. This includes the ability to edit the font, color, background, and buttons. These changes are saved by the back-end (BE) and sent to the front-end (FE) for display in the Preview section and on the Post-purchase page as per the funnel conditions.
In order to facilitate transparent and effective promotions, merchants can now display a product's specific percentage discount on the Post-purchase page. This discount is displayed in addition to the original and discounted prices for any discounted first upsell, second upsell, or downsell products. For non-discounted products, only the actual price is displayed.
Merchants now have the capability to design A/B split tests for their upsell steps. This feature, which is disabled by default, applies to the first upsell, second upsell, and downsell products. Only one product can be selected and displayed on the Post-purchase page based on the funnel conditions.
For improved tracking, merchants can now monitor the conversion rate directly from the Post-purchase funnels tab content/Funnels list, where the "Accepted" column has been renamed to "Conversion rate". The column will display the accurate conversion rate for each funnel, including those already created, based on the current data.
Enhanced Discount Calculation: We've expanded our discount calculation feature. Now, it calculates percentage discounts for all products, with the upsell product discount based on the product's "compare at price" set in the Shopify admin panel. As a merchant, you will be able to see:
The final price the customer will pay
The compare-at price value set in the Shopify admin panel
The catalog price of the product
Catalog price discount amount and percentage
The percentage discount of the product in relation to compare-at price, visible to users in the post-purchase offer
Customizable Funnel Titles and Descriptions: To ensure you have unique and appealing funnels, each funnel can now have its own title and description.
Language Localization: The "Pay Now" button can now be translated, enhancing localization and accessibility for non-English speaking customers.
Native Currency Display: The currency displayed in the upsell step will align with the store's native currency, providing a consistent shopping experience for your customers.
We've introduced statistics for custom date ranges, enabling you to gain insights over specific periods.
Top Performing Funnels: Merchants can now identify the top-performing funnels and make necessary adjustments based on those insights, optimizing your sales strategy.
Improved Funnel Visualization: Merchants now have the flexibility to switch between "Steps view" and "Graph view" on the 'Edit a funnel' page, allowing a more intuitive visualization of your sales funnels.
Product Reviews and Ratings: Customers now have an option to rate and add reviews to upsell products, enhancing your product's credibility and customer engagement.
These features are designed to elevate your selling experience. As always, we are committed to enhancing your business through continuous improvements and updates to our product. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!
Survey Enhancements:
Survey Representation in Graph View: Merchants can now observe the survey step visually in the graph view. This provides a clear overview of the survey placement within the sales funnel. Here are some updates related to this feature:
The Statistics section accurately presents the question title, number of impressions, and quantity of answers for each survey question, corresponding to the selected time period. This functionality mirrors the behavior for upsell products. When the entire funnel duration is selected, there should be no discrepancies in the question title, impressions, or answer count.
When a question is edited, the updated version is promptly reflected in the Statistics section.
Upon deleting a question, the respective Survey step disappears from the Statistics section.
Any new question added to the funnel appears correctly in the Statistics section, following the order designated in the Steps of the Funnel section.
When a funnel is constructed with the Product step as the first step and the Survey step as the second, the Statistics section correctly mirrors the set order, along with displaying impressions, revenue, and conversions according to the selected period for both products and survey.
The Statistics section correctly represents the funnel order when the Survey step is placed first, followed by the Product step, along with the corresponding impressions, revenue, and conversions for the selected period.
In a funnel with a Product step and multiple surveys, the Steps of the Funnel sequence is accurately reflected in the Statistics section, complete with impressions, revenue, and conversions for the chosen period.
If only the Product step is included in the funnel, the Statistics section showcases only the selected products, along with impressions, revenue, and conversions for the chosen period.
When only the Survey step(s) are added to the funnel, the Statistics section displays the surveys along with impressions and answer counts for the selected period.
Question Deletion and Limit: Merchants have been granted the ability to delete questions from the funnel. The following changes are pertinent to this feature:
When a question is included in the funnel, it's appropriately presented on the Post-purchase page, following the funnel's conditions upon load.
Merchants can incorporate up to 5 questions within a single funnel.
When less than 5 questions are added, the 'Add an Upsell' button remains active.
When the question count reaches the maximum limit of 5, the 'Add an Upsell' button becomes inactive.
If a question is removed when 5 are present, the 'Add an Upsell' button is reactivated, allowing the merchant to add another question.
When a question is deleted, it is promptly removed from the Steps of the Funnel list and will no longer appear on the Post-purchase page as per the funnel conditions.
Upon deletion of a question, its results are also removed from the downloadable CSV file.
Funnel Display Control: The section previously titled "Ask a Client Multiple Times" has been renamed to "Show this Funnel to Clients Only Once". This adjustment enhances the understanding of the feature:
The default state for this option is OFF.
When the state is OFF, the funnel continuously appears on the Post-purchase page whenever accessed.
Turning the state ON restricts the funnel to be displayed only once to each client, according to the client's email.
Latest Updates on A/B Testing:
Enhancements to Product Step in A/B Testing: We have now introduced a crucial update to ensure the clarity of A/B test activation for merchants.
The Product step will now include the titles of both products separated by a slash ("/").
The product that was initially selected as the main upsell product will be displayed first, followed by a slash, and then the title of the second product involved in the A/B testing of the main upsell product.
Previously, when the A/B test was enabled, the Preview sections would indicate this, but the Product step only displayed the title of the second selected product for the A/B test.
Now, our update ensures that both product titles appear in the Product step, reinforcing the understanding that the A/B test is active. The pattern for displaying the Product step is as follows: Product A / Product B, where Product A is the product displayed in the Preview section and the first product selected for the A/B test.
Creating A/B Split Tests on Upsell Steps: Merchants now have the option to create A/B split tests on upsell steps, enhancing the versatility and robustness of our testing tools. Key features of this new functionality include:
A button for adding an A/B split test on each of the products, which creates an empty product with the same layout.
An equitable 50/50 split based on views.
The winning product can be selected either manually or automatically based on views, with an editable threshold of 5000.
Conversion rate and views will be shown for each product.
Updated on: 02/07/2024
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